AKRON, Ohio – January has already been an extremely busy month for plumbers thanks to many frozen and busted pipes caused by the Polar…

  AKRON, Ohio – January 20 is “National Good Day Day,” the day rapper Ice Cube was supposedly describing in his hit song “It Was…

  WOIO – Average retail gasoline prices in Cleveland have fallen 7.8 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.31/g Sunday, according to GasBuddy‘s…

  Because Denver and Seattle are still alive the Browns cannot pursue two assistant coaches they have on their short list of coaching candidates. Broncos…

  Since President Obama first stepped into the White House in 2009, he’s tried his best to avoid the controversial topic of race. He’s perfected…

  The couple issues a statement in response to Twitter uses for making judgement towards the two raising their children among other issues.   A…

  CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – A Cleveland Councilman says he’s not backing down from his tough-talking ways despite death threats. Councilman Michael Polensek says he’s…

Very little is ever spoken of the fact that a Memphis jury found the United States government guilty of conspiring to assassinate Dr. King on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel on April 4, 1968.

  It’s well-known Beyonce and Jay Z are close friends with the Obamas, so it was no surprise that the pop diva was entertainment of choice for the first…

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. It is a time we set aside to honor and pay tribute to the life and transformational work…


They came looking to find the perfect dress, but also to help make a difference. Hundreds of brides browsed and bought on Sunday at the…

Here’s a pop quiz for anyone who calls the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. an American hero. Can you name any of his great speeches…