Aaron Hernandez, who once dominated the football field as a star tight end for the New England Patriots, has been found guilty of first-degree murder…


  Clevelander Shana Roberts has never been in court before, even for jury duty. But she is one of a team of volunteers the NAACP…


The courtroom of Judge Angela Stokes is dark Monday. She had no docket scheduled and won’t have any criminal cases for the foreseeable future after an…

AKRON, Ohio – Video from the Summit County Domestic Relations Court shows a woman who was seeking a civil protection order being attacked by her…

17 year old Corey Webb did the unthinkable during his trial! He unzipped his pants and peed in the courtroom trash can! The shocked judge said this to Corey: “I don’t know how you were raised, but peeing in a trash can in a state district courtroom is inappropriate behavior. This is the second conversation […]