Black America

A story this week by the Associated Press has caused quite a stir, especially among African-Americans, when multiple news outlets ran it with the attention-grabbing headline, "Some black pastors are telling their flocks to stay home Election Day."

Ongoing efforts to improve racial unity among Detroit-area Churches of Christ are making progress, leaders say.

Many voters will be comparing Mitt Romney with Barack Obama between now and election day. But what might be even more revealing would be comparing Obama with Obama.

In four days, over 1100 organizations will come together in a national wide call for voter registration. Next Tuesday, September 25th, is National Voter Registration…

The best way to avoid divorce? Don’t get married. But if you want to find a better way to keep your relationship intact, you might…

George Zimmerman may have been caught in another lie! Shocking new evidence shows that forensic tests prove George Zimmerman’s DNA was the only DNA found on the grip of the gun he used to fatally shoot 17-year-old Trayvon.

A group of South Side ministers said the Chicago teachers strike is “crucifying our children.” Chicago Bishop Larry Trotter used his own granddaughter in a mock crucifixion Tuesday.

I tell ya, I just can’t love First Lady Michelle Obama any more than I already…she’s a cool chic…brains & beauty! She showed off her old-school rap cred with a rendition of a few hip-hop classics.

President Obama has been on The View. First lady Michelle Obama has been on The View. So now both Obamas will appear on the morning…

More than half the young black men who graduated high school in 2010 earned their diploma in four years, an improved graduation rate that still…

Some good news finally folks for the former high school football star who was wrongfully accused of rape and imprisoned for six years and monitored for another four.

Do you have dreadlocks? If so, this article's for you.