
Up until very, very recently, Ron Paul, and his son, Rand Paul, have shared not only,  but similar reputations. Like his father, Rand Paul has…

BREATHEcast Rapper Trip Lee talked with BREATHEcast about what he thinks it means to live life, detailed his struggle with chronic fatigue syndrome, and shared…

Even by their standards, The New York Post was tacky for Friday’s cover, which features a blindfolded President Obama saying, “Islamic terror? I just don’t…


There’s something to be said about giving a person the benefit of the doubt, particularly in serious matters and especially when it comes to the…

Article By Sharon Hunt:: The New A-list Blogger (Photo Credit: GETTY) Culture teaches abstinent women that, expecting a man to wait for marriage to have…

Geraldo Rivera thinks “‘Hip-Hop Has Done More Damage To Black And Brown People Than Racism In The Last 10 Years.’” What are your thoughts ?…


The push-back against President Obama over remarks made at last week’s National Prayer Breakfast boil down to “How dare POTUS remind us that Christianity has…

Stacey Dash (pictured) is well aware that she has recently pissed a lot of people off and now she’s saying sorry, sort of. In response…

Ramarley Graham’s parents held a memorial at the Bronx’s Crawford Memorial United Methodist Church Monday evening. The day marked three years since officers killed the…

On Wednesday, the Washington Post asked Senator John McCain (R-AZ) how would his former running mate, Sarah Palin (pictured), do if she decides to run…

Although African Americans make up just 13 percent of the U.S. population, we account for 33 percent of the missing in the Federal Bureau of…

I do not envy Michelle Obama’s (pictured) position. No matter how innocuous her actions are — say, simply tackling childhood obesity with exercise and carrots…