
Politically-minded rapper Jasiri X has teamed with NewsOne’s own Elon James White to create a new music video that gives young people of color the…

Race in America is a difficult subject. When it comes to race America has the mental maturity of a 7 year old that, on occasion will plug its ears with its fingers and sing “La, la, la.” Being American and Negro I understand this. I don’t really have any choice but to understand it. I […]

Last week was the 41st Annual Legislative Conference for the Congressional Black Caucus. The conference was filled with panels, author talks/signings,  and direct contact with Congressional Black Caucus members to discuss the ills of the Black community and things that can be done to fix it. But you probably didn’t hear about that. You probably […]

Over the years, Elon James White has been steadily building a following for his always-impactful, always-funny video blog, This Week in Blackness. We have loved posting Elon’s videos revolving around politics, race, and entertainment. Today, we at NewsOne are proud to announce our official partnership with Elon and TWiB! In this week’s episode — his […]

The Brooklyn Comedy Company proudly presents This Week in Blackness: Mini Edition.

The election of Barack H. Obama to the office of President of the United States was hailed as a monumental step forward in race relations. His inauguration created what many referred to as a post-racial era in American history. We were finally beyond race! The land of the stars and stripes became a meritocracy. All […]

We’ve all heard comedians telling “Black people and White people are different” jokes right? In the latest episode of “This Week in Blackness” host Elon James White crafts his own version based on Governor of Mississippi Haley Barbour’s interesting version of what it was like to go to school in in the South in the […]

White people saying “nigger.” That’s always pleasant right? Saying “nigger” eleven times with head held high? Feels more like a massage. A really racist massage.