
As one of the most notable Black trans actress in Hollywood, Laverne Cox shared she's still subjugated to the same hatred and violence that took the lives of countless Black trans women.

Authorities are still investigating the Nov. 27 murder-suicide of Metro Police Department Detective Timothy Francis, 50, and his wife, Christina Lynn Francis, 41.

Aidan Ellison, a 19-year-old Black man, was fatally shot in the chest on November 23 by a white man named Robert Paul Keegan, 47, after a dispute about loud music in a hotel parking lot.


A racist white man who rented property to a Black family with children was given a delayed, light prison sentence after admitting he was discriminating against and "threatening to kill" the tenants in North Carolina.

A Florida deputy under investigation for fatally shooting two Black teens in Cocoa on Nov. 13 remains employed after a storied history of violence that his department had full knowledge of.

Community members are reeling over the death of a promising young activist whose life was cut short on Monday during a shooting.

Diamonds Ford is fighting to clear her name after she was charged for shooting a police officer she suspected to be an intruder while serving a warrant at her home in Jacksonville, Florida.

A bond hearing for Travis McMichael, who shot and killed Ahmaud Arbery, all but confirmed the accused murderer in what's been described as a modern-day lynching is a raging racist.

A bond hearing for Travis McMichael, who shot and killed Ahmaud Arbery, all but confirmed the accused murderer in what's been described as a modern-day lynching is a raging racist.


A judge upheld the most serious murder charge against Derek Chauvin, the now-fired Minneapolis police officer who used his knee to apply deadly pressure to George Floyd's neck earlier this year. A lesser charge was dismissed, though.


A judge upheld the most serious murder charge against Derek Chauvin, the now-fired Minneapolis police officer who used his knee to apply deadly pressure to George Floyd's neck earlier this year. A lesser charge was dismissed, though.


A photo of an on-duty police officer in full uniform was going viral because the cop was wearing a pro-Donald Trump mask at a polling place in Florida as voters were casting their ballots early.