WASHINGTON-Recent polls have shown that President Barack Obama has overwhelming approval of the American public on his recent handling of the shooting of Congresswoman, Gabrielle Gifford which resulted in the deaths of six people. The American Foreign Press reports: The vast majority of Americans approved of President Barack Obama’s handling of the Arizona shooting but […]

In the wake of the emotional and impressive memorial service to honor the six killed and 13 wounded in Tucson at the hands of a deranged gunman, the conventional wisdom is that despite pleas for civility, we will return to the pre-shooting days of yelling, screaming and highly charged partisanship. In his speech to the […]

Ambassador Andrew Young joins Roland Martin on the Tom Joyner Morning Show to talk about his good friend, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., celebrating the 25th anniversary of the national MLK holiday and his fight for the poor. LISTEN:

Washington — Former vice president Dick Cheney, back in the public eye after a major heart operation, predicts that President Obama will be a one-term president because of health care and other big government programs. In an interview airing this morning on NBC’s Today show, Cheney cited Obama’s “overall approach to expanding the size of […]

Alaska — Sarah Palin vowed Monday night “they’re not going to shut me up” as she berated liberals and the media for portraying her as the catalyst for the Tucson shooting spree. Palin told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that she and other conservatives were vilified as “accessories to murder” because “those on the left hate my […]

Here’s an interesting fact about Twitter: Black people love it. According to a study by Edison Research, we make up 25 percent of the 17 million (and counting) people who use the social networking site. And here’s something else about black people and Twitter: We love to start trends — trending topics, that is. Twitter […]

On January 18, 1975, “The Jeffersons” premiered on television. It aired for 11 seasons, making it the longest-running series with a predominantly black cast.