Alison Carey Scott is the sister of mega star Mariah Carey, and while Mimi is on top of the world expecting her very own children, according to The Enquirer her sibling is selling her body to make ends meet.

Alison Carey Scott is the sister of mega star Mariah Carey, and while Mimi is on top of the world expecting her very own children, according to The Enquirer her sibling is selling her body to make ends meet.

Alison Carey Scott is the sister of mega star Mariah Carey, and while Mimi is on top of the world expecting her very own children, according to The Enquirer her sibling is selling her body to make ends meet.

Alison Carey Scott is the sister of mega star Mariah Carey, and while Mimi is on top of the world expecting her very own children, according to The Enquirer her sibling is selling her body to make ends meet.

Alison Carey Scott is the sister of mega star Mariah Carey, and while Mimi is on top of the world expecting her very own children, according to The Enquirer her sibling is selling her body to make ends meet.

I ran across an AMAZING video of Lauryn Hill earlier this week via Concrete Loop. In the video, which was filmed 10 years ago, Lauryn Hill speaks to High School students about her career, childhood and more.

The Issues4Life Foundation, in partnership with The Radiance Foundation, launches an abortion awareness and pro-adoption themed campaign, entitled “Endangered Species.”