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Melania Trump‘s claim to fame is being a fashion model and marrying an NBC reality star.  Due to her fashion background, you would think magazines would be clamoring to have her on their covers. D-list actor James Woods complained about this on Twitter, see below:

Melania has only been on one magazine cover since she has been First Lady, which was Vanity Fair in Mexico in February 2017. See below:

Tom Ford, Marc Jacobs, Christian Sirano and Sophie Theallet have all refused to dress Melania.

Why hasn’t she been on more magazine covers and why won’t designers dress her? Well, let’s start with the fact that she doesn’t appear to want to be First Lady. She didn’t move into the White House until June — six months after her husband was elected. As the Washington Post reported, she is seen but rarely heard. In addition, if she sat down with a magazine for an interview she would have to actual answer questions like:  How is your platform anti-bullying but you are married to the biggest bully in the country? Did you really ask for an exorcism when you moved into the White House? What about Stormy Daniels? Hillary Clinton had to deal with a barrage of questions while First Lady and she didn’t hide behind stilettos and sunglasses.

That said, Melania just ain’t Michelle. Let’s take a look back on her epic magazine covers.

Isn’t she lovely?

Above anything, in the diverse world of fashion, Trump’s racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and everything else he hates does not mesh well with fashonistas. This is the man she stands by and let’s never forget she defended his racist birther movement. In 2011, she babbled to Joy Behar, “Do you want to see President Obama’s birth certificate or not? It’s not a birth certificate.” She added, “It’s not only Donald who wants to see [Obama’s birth certificate]. It’s American people who voted for him and who didn’t vote for him. They want to see that.” See below:

That said, a magazine should put her on the cover if they used the image below.


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You Ain’t Michelle! Fashion Magazines Reportedly Shunning Melania Trump  was originally published on