The first meal of the day can have a very different meaning for different people. For some, it’s grabbing agranola bar to nibble on…

Gas prices are up nearly 20% this year and they continue to soar — nearing $4 a gallon.  So how can you save a few bucks? 19 Action News has the top things an expert says you can do to try to keep some extra cash in you wallet. For answers we went to the “Lusty Wrench” […]

  If you got your flu shot you’ll probably be fine this winter but there’s a new strain out there you need to know about. It’s called “The Man Flu” and it lays men out on the couch, so all they’re able to do is watch football on Sunday afternoon. Believe it not, a new survey […]

Between the “birther” movement attacking President Obama’s citizenship, and The Family Leader’s statement on the condition of the Black family, political myths regarding African-Americans have become an emblematic trend. Here’s a list of eight political myths that continue to handicap the African-American community. Some include claims that Blacks are the biggest benefactors of government assistance […]