
President Obama made his sixth appearance on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” Tuesday evening and he talked about everything from the death of Trayvon…

  President Barack Obama said Tuesday that he was “disappointed” that Russia had granted temporary asylum to National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, defying Obama…

(Photo courtesy of Michelle Obama’s Instagram account) President Barack Obama celebrated his 52nd birthday on Sunday and it set off a social media frenzy after…

After addressing the verdict of George Zimmerman over the weekend in a brief statement, President Barack Obama spoke at greater lengths earlier today regarding the…

President Barack Obama said Friday that “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago” in his first live comments since a Florida jury acquitted…

  CNN is reporting that President Barack Obama issued the following statement Sunday following the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial. “The death of Trayvon…

President Obama issued his annual proclamation declaring the first Thursday in May as the National Day of Prayer, a long-standing 62-year tradition that began with…

Read: West Texas Emergency Resources To Reach Loved Ones and  Beating Cancer Before it Beats Us

via BBC News A California ban on gay marriages should be overturned by the US Supreme Court, the Obama administration says. In a legal brief filed ahead of arguments scheduled for late March, the justice department says the ban – known as Proposition 8 – is unconstitutional. Outlawing same-sex marriage while offering marriage-like rights under […]

Check out Rev. Al Sharpton's interview with the President inside:


As President Barack Obama (pictured) gears up for tonight’s State Of The Union address, many will expect him to cite crucial issues such as federal…

  President Barack Obama challenged Americans to live up to the principles behind the nation’s founding during his second inaugural address, delivered Monday after taking…