getty image: Tichina Arnold has been really transparent about her husband making a sex tape with another woman. Now, “Pam” is giving details. Six months after news broke that Tichina Arnold sent video evidence of her husband Rico Hines’ multiple affairs, the “Survivor’s Remorse” star is sitting down with#ThePreachers to explain – FOR THE VERY […]

Jamal Bryant, pastor and founder of Empowerment Temple AME Church in Baltimore, Maryland, called out church leaders for their absence from the Black Lives Matter movement Monday, charging that it’s the first civil rights movement in America that isn’t being led by the Church. “We cannot diminish or presume that this is a colorblind society. […]

Married for ten years, Oscar-winner Mo’Nique and her husband, Sidney Hicks, sit down with #ThePreachers and teach them a thing or two about open relationships. From whose idea it was to what it means to them, the couple gets candid about their unique situation. Hosted by John Gray, Dr. E Dewey Smith Jr., Orrick Quick and […]