Men in general aren’t exactly well known for always taking great care of themselves. But, when you think about it, every man owes it to…

Fat…you’re told they’re bad, then you’re told they’re good. So, which is it? Both. “Your body needs fat in order to function,” says Barbara Roberts,…

According to the American Pregnancy Association, the amount of weight you should gain depends on your weight and BMI (body mass index) before pregnancy. On…

VIA: WEBMD.COM COPD presents 13 million Americans with new challenges and opportunities for better health.   Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Quiz the average person on the street, and how many could tell you what it is? Would you know that it’s the 4th leading cause of death in the United States? Not likely. But that […]

VIA:  WebMd.Com By Stephanie Watson WebMD The Magazine Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD How Does The Human Heart Function? Every day, your heart beats about 100,000 times, sending 2,000 gallons of blood surging through your body. Although it’s no bigger than your fist, your heart has the mighty job of keeping blood flowing through the […]

VIA:  Health.Com & The American Heart Association 1.  Get Active Finding time in our overscheduled lives for exercise is a challenge for all busy Americans. Especially for those who are parents or are working full-time or both. But the benefits far outweigh the sacrifices it takes to carve out that time. And anyone who has […]

VIA:  Health.Com Provided by:  Healthwise You don’t have to be an athlete to be fit. Athletes reach a very high level of fitness. And people who take brisk half-hour walks every day reach a good level of fitness. Even people who can’t do that much can work toward some level of fitness that helps them […]

VIA:  Health.Com By:  Denise Mann The study conducted by Sabina Sieri, PhD, of the Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, a national institute for cancer research in Milan, Italy, has found that carbohydrates with a high glycemic index tend to be the carbs that effect the heart.  This is not say that a diet high […]

VIA: Fitness.Com Having a healthy heart includes a combination of exercise, healthy diet and heart supplements. Each of these plays a very important role in your heart health and the three together work towards maximum heart benefits. Exercise: The American Heart Association suggests that even moderate activity can be beneficial for the heart. According the […]

VIA: SisterToSister.Org What do overweight and obesity mean? Your healthy weight is based on your height, age, and other factors. Excess weight may come from muscle, bone, fat, or body water. Overweight means you weigh more than you should to be healthy. Obesity refers specifically to having too much body fat. A higher weight or […]