WASHINTON — After days of parlay between Republican and Democratic lawmakers, and no efforts to reach a deal on the deficit, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell proposed that President Obama increase the federal debt limit without Congressional approval. McConnell’s proposal suggests a lack of confidence in Congress’ ability to reach a bipartisan agreement on spending […]

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s laywer received a letter asking for documents to prove whether or not the president committed “an array of potentially illegal fundraising behavior,” according to Salon. House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Ca.), who has the power to issue subpoenas, accused Mr. Obama of mixing official and political activities. The probe […]

An article published in The Daily Beast explains why the Republicans will have a hard time repealing President Obama’s historical Health Care Bill, citing GOP candidates are more focused on the economy. The Daily Beast Reports: Republican presidential candidates are still vowing to repeal the Affordable Care Act, of course, but they are mainly going […]

WASHINGTON — President Obama challenged Republicans to commit to a more ambitious, long-term plan on spending cuts, revenue increases and changes to entitlement programs, during a news conference Monday morning. The New York Times reports: Mr. Obama said he will not consider a short-term, stop-gap solution to raise the debt ceiling. “This is the United […]

Recent reports revealed that President Obama is considering cuts on Social Security and Medicare, as bargaining pieces in negotiations to reach an agreement with Republicans on raising the country’s debt ceiling. In what seems to be a race to find the best means to an end on a drawn-out battle between Democrats and Republicans, debt-ceiling […]

Despite President Obama’s calls for Israel and Palestine to come together and talk about a 1967-esque land swap, a Gallup poll reveals no signs of wavering support from the Jewish community. The poll reveals that 60 percent of Jewish voters approve of the president’s job performance, while 85 percent of Jewish Democrats approved. Such numbers […]

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will make history yet again as he gears up for the first ever Twitter town hall meeting on Wednesday, July 6th at 12 p.m ET. The president will be answering questions on the economy and jobs via a live web cast. Previously, he held town halls hosted by and broadcasted […]

Floodwaters from the bloated Mississippi River and its tributaries spilled across farm fields, cut off churches, washed over roads and forced people from their homes Wednesday in the Mississippi Delta, a poverty-stricken region. People used boats to navigate flooded streets as the crest rolled slowly downstream, bringing misery to poor, low-lying communities. Hundreds have left […]

Via CNN President Barack Obama poked fun at everyone — from his wife to Donald Trump — during the annual White House Correspondents dinner, before ending his speech with a tribute to journalists who brave deadly conditions to get a story. No one was safe from the president’s zings on Saturday night, including Republican presidential […]

via BBC News Republicans and Democrats have reached a deal on the US budget, an hour before a deadline that would have forced the government to close many services. They have passed a stop-gap spending bill which will allow the government to keep running while the wider budget plan is finalised. The parties have agreed […]

This has to be the worst kept secret in politics but let’s try to get excited about President Obama seeking re-election. Obama announced his 2012 campaign early this morning on his website “It Begins With Us.” He filed his papers with the Federal Election Commission today to be a 2012 candidate, a move that will […]

  Via CNN President Barack Obama plans to send supporters a text or e-mail message with a video announcing his intention to run for re-election, multiple Democratic sources tell CNN. The message could come as early as Monday morning. The sources say his campaign team also hopes to file papers with the Federal Election Commission […]