James Merritt spent years as senior pastor of an Atlanta-area megachurch that featured a mighty choir. Then he changed his tune. At 50, he…

Here’s a back-to-school pop quiz for parents: How much do you think your child’s school grades or emotions are tied to whether you’re sitting down…

Usually we are tempted to compromise on our promises to God because there’s some reward on the table. The irony is, being steadfast will yield…

As emotions continue to run high in Ferguson, Missouri, following the shooting of Michael Brown by a police officer, megachurchBishop TD Jakes says it’s time for…

As protests and vigils have become daily occurrences in Ferguson, Missouri, so have online debates over how black and white Christians have (broadly speaking) reacted…

(PHOTO: THE CHRISTIAN POST/SONNY HONG) William Jeynes, senior fellow at the Witherspoon Institute and California State University professor, gives remarks at a Family Research Council…

by Rev. Dominique Atchison As I sat in my father’s car driving down Billy Graham highway in North Carolina, I heard my father utter the…

If you hadn’t already heard, millennials are leaving the church in droves, leaving many church leaders scratching their heads as to what to do about…

It has become the platform for news from around the world, entertainment fizz, activism and faith and spirituality. Yes, religion has blossomed on social media…

      Unfortunately, many churches have done this with their hymnals, but I think they are important symbols for worshiping congregations. Here are some…

  Underage drinking is an American epidemic. Statistics show that nearly three quarters of students (72%) have consumed alcohol by the end of high school.…

Are your children at ease with you or uncomfortable?  In a recent blog, I highlighted some recent research about the most important factorwhen it comes to passing…