Roland Martin talks with Russell Simmons about his new book, Super Rich: A Guide to Having It All. Russell Simmons–rap impresario and founder of Def Jam Records, Phat Farm, and the Hip-Hop Summit, and with Morrow coauthor of Do You!–explores what it means to be truly rich and fulfilled through two tenets. The twin paths […]

Here at “Washington Watch,” we believe in honoring those African-Americans who bore the burden of injustice and indifference to make life better for us all. In this special tribute, we say “so long and thanks for never giving up.” WATCH:

Teena Marie, who dazzled R&B audiences for years with her soulful voice and powerful, high-energy stage performances, died Sunday at her home in California.

TV One’s Director of Digital Media, James Hill joins Roland Martin on the set of Washington Watch for this week’s edition of ‘Web Watch.’ This week Roland and Hill take on the alleged HIV-AIDS breakthrough, Michael Vick wanting to eventually own another dog and Usher getting kicked in the face during a performance. WATCH:

As a strong proponent of parental responsibility, it both amuses and angers me to see some parents lining up behind an initiative to sue McDonald’s over the inclusion of toys in their Happy Meals. The Center for Science in the Public Interest is leading the charge in this case by pushing the state of California […]

With millions of Americans out of work, don’t you think it sounds pretty stupid to have Sen. John Kyl and Sen. Jim DeMint complaining about having to work around the Christmas holidays? Seriously. These two senators have complained that Sen. Harry Reid has them working during the Christmas break, because they say it’s unfair with […]

Roland Martin talks with Clarence Lusane about his new book The Black History of the White House. LISTEN:

Roland Martin talks with A.C. Thompson from about the convictions of the New Orleans police officers who were convicted of killing Henry Glover. LISTEN:

Roland Martin appears in The Situation Room with Mary Matalin and host Wolf Blitzer to discuss John Boehner wearing his emotions on his sleeve. WATCH:

One of the reasons Defense Secretary Robert Gates commissioned a study on how the military feels about gays serving openly in the military was because it was ridiculous to listen to politicians rambling on and on, and not listen to those who have to do the heavy lifting. And when the results were released showing […]

Roland Martin calls out Rush Limbaugh for comments he made last week against “Washington Watch” and TV One. WATCH:

Roland Martin talks with Congressman James Clyburn about the Democratic caucus’ reaction to President Obama’s tax cut compromise and yesterday’s vote to stop the measure from reaching the floor unless there are changes. LISTEN: